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あると便利なプラグイン by kei728

※AddQuicktag(よく使うタグを登録) ※Advanced Custom Fields(独自のカスタムフィールドを生成) ※bj-lazy-load(サイトの読み込み速度Up) taxonomy-terms-order(カテゴリーの順番変更) Post Type Switcher(記事投稿タイプを後から変更できる) ※Simple Local Avatars(アバターを簡単に設定できる) Simple Post Notes(投稿ページでメモ書きができ、記事一覧でも見れる) ※SNS Count Cache(SNSのカウント数を早く表示をしてくれる) ※Table of Contents Plus(記事の目次を自動生成する) ※TinyMCE Advanced(ビジュアルエディタをカスタマイズ) ※WP External Links(リンク先を別タブで開き、外部リンクは自動でnofollow設定) Parent Category Toggler(子カテゴリー選択時、自動で親カテゴリーも選択) Search Meter(サイト内で検索されたキーワードを表示) ※※Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions(リビジョン設定・削除) ※ewww-image-optimizer(画像圧縮でサイト軽量化) ※Google XML Sitemaps(XMLサイトマップ) ※PS Auto Sitemap(HTMLサイトマップ)

WvNa6BovkdtAnWEOdXQg plugins

EWWW Image Optimizer
by Exactly WWW
updated yesterday 37.6 million downloads 1 million active installs Rating: 96 / 100 (1701 ratings)
Simple Local Avatars
by 10up
updated 8 days ago 1.8 million downloads 100,000 active installs Rating: 90 / 100 (81 ratings)
Simple Post Notes
by BracketSpace
updated 11 days ago 59,491 downloads 10,000 active installs Rating: 100 / 100 (23 ratings)
External Links – nofollow, noopener & new window
by WebFactory Ltd
updated 18 days ago 1.4 million downloads 100,000 active installs Rating: 86 / 100 (245 ratings)
Table of Contents Plus
by Michael Tran
updated 40 days ago 3 million downloads 300,000 active installs Rating: 88 / 100 (155 ratings)
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
by Nsp-Code
updated 50 days ago 7.5 million downloads 500,000 active installs Rating: 90 / 100 (158 ratings)
Search Meter
by Bennett McElwee
updated 51 days ago 401,524 downloads 20,000 active installs Rating: 86 / 100 (28 ratings)
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
by NerdPress
updated 104 days ago 3.9 million downloads 80,000 active installs Rating: 94 / 100 (179 ratings)
Advanced Editor Tools
by Automattic
updated 113 days ago 34.1 million downloads 2 million active installs Rating: 90 / 100 (342 ratings)
Post Type Switcher
by Triple J Software, Inc.
updated 148 days ago 1.7 million downloads 200,000 active installs Rating: 94 / 100 (238 ratings)
by Frank Bültge
updated 1163 days ago 1.4 million downloads 100,000 active installs Rating: 94 / 100 (44 ratings)
SNS Count Cache
by Daisuke Maruyama
updated 1877 days ago 146,472 downloads 10,000 active installs Rating: 80 / 100 (4 ratings)
BJ Lazy Load
by Bjørn Johansen, Aron Tornberg, angrycreative
updated 2543 days ago 840,525 downloads 30,000 active installs Rating: 84 / 100 (90 ratings)
Parent Category Toggler
by Ben Lobaugh
updated 2608 days ago 68,927 downloads 10,000 active installs Rating: 96 / 100 (15 ratings)
PS Auto Sitemap
by Hitoshi Omagari
updated 3313 days ago 880,301 downloads 200,000 active installs Rating: 98 / 100 (23 ratings)

Custom plugins

There are no custom plugins in this collection.