Links of London Charm - driver white watch charms LLPD264 [LLPD264] - $67.00 : links of london, by WPCoreGuest
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<span id="cardshow"> <a href="" ><img src=""></a></img> </span> <br class="clearBoth" /> <div id="productDescription" class="productGeneral biggerText"> <p>Size:Dia.:2cm</p><p>Driver White Watch Charm Driver White Watch Charm Our Driver Charms are elegant timepieces and items of jewelry combined in one. A miniature yet fully functioning watch to attach to a necklace, bag or bracelet. With a white dial and black Roman numerals, this watch makes a simple statement of style that is as classic and charming. Swiss movement with quality craftsmanship, there is also an echo of the Baroque design on the back of each watch charm in which to engrave initials or a date.</p><p>Links of London Charm - driver white watch charms with affordable prices, hope you like it. Buy Links of London Charms jewellery at Fabulous Collections, an official stockist of Links of London. High Quality, Affordable Price, Fast Shipping. 100% customer satisfaction is our foremost pursuit.</p></div> <br class="clearBoth" /> <div align="center"> <p style='text-align:center;'><a target="_blank" href=""> <a href="" ><img src="" width=650px alt="/linkslondon_jewelry_/Links-of-London/Links-of-London-Charm-driver-white-watch-charms.jpg"/></a></p> </div> <ul id="productDetailsList" class="floatingBox back"> <li>Model: LLPD264</li> </ul> <br class="clearBoth" /> <div class="centerBoxWrapper" id="similar_product"> <h2 class="centerBoxHeading">Related Products</h2> <table><tr> <td style="display:block;float:left;width:24.5%;"> <div style="width:160px;height:200px;"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Links of London Charm - Big Ben charm" title=" Links of London Charm - Big Ben charm " width="160" height="160" /></a></div><a href="">Links of London Charm - Big Ben charm</a> </td> <td style="display:block;float:left;width:24.5%;"> <div style="width:160px;height:200px;"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Links of London Charm - 1st Birthday cake charm" title=" Links of London Charm - 1st Birthday cake charm " width="160" height="160" /></a></div><a href="">Links of London Charm - 1st Birthday cake charm</a> </td> <td style="display:block;float:left;width:24.5%;"> <div style="width:160px;height:200px;"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Links of London Charm - cherub charm" title=" Links of London Charm - cherub charm " width="160" height="160" /></a></div><a href="">Links of London Charm - cherub charm</a> </td> <td style="display:block;float:left;width:24.5%;"> <div style="width:160px;height:200px;"> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Links of London Charm - Four leaf clover charm" title=" Links of London Charm - Four leaf clover charm " width="160" height="160" /></a></div><a href="">Links of London Charm - Four leaf clover charm</a> </td> </table> </div> <div id="productReviewLink" class="buttonRow back"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Write Review" title=" Write Review " width="98" height="19" /></a></div> <br class="clearBoth" /> </form> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="navSuppWrapper"> <div id="navSupp"> <ul><li><a href="">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="">Shipping</a></li> <li> <a href="">Wholesale</a></li> <li> <a href="">Order Tracking</a></li> <li> <a href="">Coupons</a></li> <li> <a href="">Payment Methods</a></li> <li> <a href="">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div style=" margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:10px; width:100%; text-align:center;"> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Links of London Bangles</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Links of London Bracelets</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Links of London Charms</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Links of London Earrings</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Links of London Friendship</a> </div> <DIV align="center"> <a href="" ><IMG src="" width="672" height="58"></a> </DIV> <div align="center">Copyright © 2012-2015 All Rights Reserved. </div> </div> </div> <strong><a href="">links of london outlet store</a></strong> <br> <strong><a href="">Cheap Links Of London Jewelry Wholesale</a></strong> <br> plugins
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