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Delower Hossain Rhine by rhinokul

A web and Internet researcher, Delower Hossain Rhine(D H Rhine) is the Software Engineer at ServicEngineBPO. His research spans time, money and happiness by using Internet. He focuses on questions such as: What actually makes people happy, as opposed to what they think makes them happy? by using Internet. Rhine was born in Sirajganj, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. His full name is Md. Delower Hossain. His father was a business man. The family lived in rural area, where Rhine attended Children school, then to Al-Hera Academy, Bera, Pabna where he spent his college years. Finally he finished his graduation in MBSTU,Bangladesh. He, by nature is optimistic but a dreamer, he swims in the clouds but keeps a toe on the ground and he is passionate but tends to look at the wider picture. He believes that for an ICT entrepreneur, it is necessary to know everything that is needed to run a ICT business, never to show the arrogance of passing off a work thinking it’s too miniscule for your position. Throughout his life he has been continually placed in leadership positions: top scholastic honors each grade during grade school, captain of the school , President of Science Club in grade school, President of the MBSTU Film Society , the Secretary of Society of ICT in grad school. His interests are broad and varied. For example, while in high school he participated for swimming competetion and won first awards.


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by Delower Hossain Rhine
updated 3680 days ago 5,106 downloads 200 active installs Rating: 74 / 100 (3 ratings)

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